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448 khz Magni

448 khz Magni

Beauty Indeeplus 448khz MagniBeauty Indeeplus 448khz Magni

Beauty Indeeplus 448khz Magni


Frekwenza: 448KHZ

Mankijiet tat-trattament: CAP y RES b'vaccm

Qawwa tal-ħruġ: 300W

Elettrodu Kapaċità Monopolari: φ40,50, 60, 70mm

Elettrodu reżistenti monopolari: φ30,50,70,80mm

Vultaġġ: 220V 50HZ o 110V 60HZ

Dimensjonijiet tal-magna: 320 * 370 * 820 mm

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Kategoriji tal-Prodotti

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Raġunijiet għal SANO Beauty Laser Machine

Contact sano laser beauty

Sano laser is committed to the research and innovation of medical beauty technology, providing customers with professional beauty equipment and related technical service in the fields of skin management.

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VantaġġOf Indiba 448Khz Magni

Applikazzjonijiet ta 'Ret RF Machine

Ikkuntattja Sano Laser Beauty Company

Sano laser hija impenjata għar-riċerka u l-innovazzjoni tat-teknoloġija tas-sbuħija medika, li tipprovdi lill-klijenti b'tagħmir tas-sbuħija professjonali u servizz tekniku relatat fl-oqsma tal-ġestjoni tal-ġilda.

Prezz tal-Magni tas-Sbuħija tal-Laser Sano

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